Slide SmartCoders is a first of its kind, unique initiative in Kingdom of Bahrain by ThinkSmart For Development and Training in partnership with the Nasser Vocational Training Centre to train and empower 10,000 Bahrainis in the field of Coding over a period of 5 years.

This program aims to provide an extensive range of opportunities to Bahraini Individuals from all Educational and Professional backgrounds who are keen to enhance their learning by equipping them with the necessary skills, training and certification that will help them prepare for the jobs of tomorrow.

This unique initiative will also enable the engagement of Bahraini and encourage the development of Bahrain’s Economic growth and welfare, making Bahrain the Coding Hub across the region.
University Graduates To train 10,000 Bahrainis on Essential Coding Skills, and provide them with the Platforms, Connections, and Tools required to excel in the 21st century. Mission To empower Bahrainis with the language of the future – Coding and help them reach their full potential and excellence. Vision ABOUT US Target audience IT Staff Job Seekers Employees School Graduates University Students 06 Click Here to Register! 03 02 01 04 05 Experience the Coding Language through Click Here to Register!